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Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Vaccine will Save us ALL!

I sincerely doubt it.

Vaccines take 10 to 15 years to develop, test, refine, correct, test, and put through public trials.  Bill has had horrible failures pushing vaccines in other countries and somehow we think that will go better around the entire world with a vaccine developed in less than a year?  He claimed in a 2010 Ted Talk that he would use vaccines, reproductive health, and healthcare to reduce world population by at least 10%.  

I'm betting this vaccine will have many side effects and make all the previous SARS vaccines damages look pale in comparison.

One of the people on Biden's COVID task force, Ezekiel Emanuel, thinks people over 75 shouldn't be alive, including himself.  The people involved in all these "ideas" of how to save the world from a virus with a 99.98% (or higher) survival rate are huge into depopulation, climate change, CO2 emmission concerns, and otherwise creating problems where there aren't any.  It's no shock that Bill and Fauci stand to make millions or more off the "free" vaccines that we will be paid for with our tax dollars and he and all the companies producing the drug will be protected from any lawsuits again by our tax dollars.

To be clear, there is no such disease as COVID-19.  COVID-19 is a label applied to people who pop positive for the protein that is present when any of the following are true:

1) Have a coronavirus, eg: the common cold.
2) Have sars-cov-2
3) Have the flu
4) Recently vaccinated for the flu
5) Have pneumonia

Isn't it the least bit interesting that this is labeled by an acronym and a year?  Sounds like a programmer who would make something like Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-vacc; but don't you find it a bit suspect that the very people who want to reduce the world population are working so hard to save "everyone"?  I find it highly suspect and question why fear is being used as the mechanism to push "love".

Yep, let's go ahead and live in fear over a cause of death that pales in comparison to the real killers that are the result of our poor life decisions and/or access to healthy food.  Let's give away all our rights, liberties, and humanity to anyone who will save us from it. 

"COVID-19" deaths around the world in facts:
Reminder: As of 2017 158,000 people die, on average, every day around the world.  This was before sars-cov-2.

Thus approximately 49,928,000 have died this year (likely more because there are more living people).
1,292,259 died with "COVID-19:  2.59% of all deaths.

Let's put the CDC 6% of all deaths are "COVID" only labeled.
That translates to 77,535: 0.16% of all deaths this year.
Of course, that doesn't mean these folks all died of "COVID" but rather that this was all a medical professional determined they might have had - often with no test of any kind and post-mortem.

But yes, we should destroy our way of life over it!  
Wake up people!

 Please wake up so we don't all have to go down the path of proving we are "healthy" in order not to die of starvation.  Stop listening to the mainstream propaganda - they work for the people who stand to gain off your suffering.

Friday, July 03, 2020

Masks: Where is the scientific PROOF?

Masks are a lie to create division.  Health theater to make people feel better while making many people feel worse.

Considering masks were used in 1918 for another flu-like virus and the conclusions from that time period was that the masks made no difference, it's amazing that we are back using ancient technology with no further scientific conclusions on the matter.  Yet, many localities are deciding to force people to wear masks on pain of punishment up to and including order to "save lives."

I'm open to any scientific studies that prove any of the following:
  1. Sars-COV-2 is transmitted in sufficient quantity via water vapor from one person to another while casually walking by each other and talking normally.  This must include confirmed cases of people catching it from another while they spent less than 5 minutes near each other.
  2. The percent chance that the virus can be contracted in the manner described in part 1.  As an example, a study might conclude that there is a 15% chance a person exposed to the water vapor of another person will contract the virus.
  3. The reduction in the percent chance to contract the virus by others wearing a mask for you.
I have seen nothing but conjecture, consensus of ideas, and possibilities; that's not science, that's faith in guessing.

I am pretty sure, however, that a masked person who breaks social distancing to confront a non-mask wearing person might help spread sars-COV-2.  Typically when they start to shout they instinctively pull down their mask and spray their victim with probably harmless water vapor and spittle, but for all they know they are an "asymptomatic carrier."  At least, that's what people keep getting told is the reason for why we must all wear masks.  People who wear masks and don't waste effort publicly confronting other people are fine and should be respectfully left alone.  Those who break two rules to attempt to enforce a rule are mask-holes and should be completely ignored.

If you have already had and recovered from sars-COV-2/covid-19 you are medically exempt from wearing a mask as you can no longer transmit the disease.  Yet since the real focus is on virtue signalling everyone is expected to wear a mask or they are obviously against all of humanity.  Oh, really?

Stop letting the machine make you afraid - fear gives them power over you and makes you a sitting duck waiting for them to "save" you with what-ever they choose to use.  Many millions of people were "saved" in the last 100 years with a bullet to the head by their own government.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Let's undo the fear!

The coronavirus did not turn the world upside down - the fear response did.  While those who lost someone with the coronavirus had their world turned upside down, the media and governments of most of the world turned everyone's world upside down.  I say "with coronavirus" as that was true in over 99.999% of all cases that if there was no other issue the person would have survived.

If you run a business, please do not help the establishment with their narrative that the devastation to millions was brought on by a virus with a 99.9% survival rate.  It was not.

Fighting against community immunity is not working to protect the health and safety of our communities.

Suicide attempts at all  time highs, depression, and people dying from treatable issues due to hospitals closing and the fear of a pitiful virus did not help our communities.

Imprisoning people for breaking unlawful orders did not help our communities.

Please look at the whole picture and stop ignoring things that don't fit the picture that compassion was the motivator - it wasn't.  Fear and hatred were the motivations that lead people through this pandemic and only reason and scientific study will remove the fear and lies that have been accepted as truth.

Ask yourself why we need to "social distance" and wear masks at this point?  The hotbeds remain our senior citizen housing and prisons.  Why is that?  Why are they intentionally continuing the fear of something that we would not have even noticed if not for the media daily focus on it?  It's all about C02 and forced vaccinations.  Be a good little lab rat and ensure they have millions of people to push their vaccine on and then see how that helps the C02 "issue".

C02 is not an issue - grow plants.  C02 is converted by plants to 02.  Too much C02 then plants grow faster and convert more C02 to 02.  But of course, we can try Bill Gate's method and reduce population through health care, vaccines, and reproductive healthcare [Watch the Ted Talk here or google it for yourself and witness the many times he has called for population reduction].  Forget about science which has observed that our world works just fine with little viruses like this being rendered useless in less than a year with no artificial solutions required.

Wake up folks, this isn't about a virus - it's about control, population reduction, and C02 which is a mythical boogie man that has a very simple solution.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

To the governor of Florida in regards to re-opening.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  Wise words from not too long ago.

I am appalled at the blatant disregard for life through the label of "non-essential".  No elected body in the US has ever been granted the power to determine what is and what is not essential no matter how many lawyers may jump in to argue otherwise.

I am not surprised at the split-brain government reaction to protect "health" by destroying it.  People are not just laboratory specimens that are to be protected from every new strain of illness by separating them through the use of "social distancing" or "laws" to wear masks or take "medicine/vaccine" to thwart off annual mutations.  We are thinking, feeling,  loving, and emotional beings that need the freedom to interact without being constrained by the fears of others.  We can not have brave people if everyone is being told they have to live in the same fear as others.

I am horrified that people claim compassion while simply swinging negative results from one side of the human equation to the other side and verbally abusing their friends who disagree with the current non-scientific path that we are on.  This is the execution of an "experiment" regarding an untested singular hypothesis where any finding that goes against the narrative is being thrown out by the "scientists" and politicians regardless of the p-value.  Again, that is not science.  If science was being used then both the null and alternative hypothesis would have already been thrown out as incorrect.  But instead the original course of action is being stuck to as propaganda is greater than science.  What reason can their be to stick to this over-reaction other than to grow fear, division, and the power of government and "medicine"?

Consensus is not a part of the scientific method.  Observing and extrapolating is not science it is conjecture.  "Close enough" is not a scientific term.  Validation and rejection are parts of the process.  History has shown us repeatedly that "we have to do something" and "I was just following orders" are not acceptable excuses.

People who have been clinging to hope that Florida will re-open by the end of April are now experiencing sadness and anger at this government's inability to overcome fear, not succumb to lobbyists, and not cause more harm to the very people they think they are trying to keep safe.

Why are you allowing fear to paralyze us?  I'm not afraid and I'm tired of being told I need to be.  A virus with a demonstrated 0.12% - 0.20% infection to death rate (which is probably actually lower considering all those who have not been tested) is not something to shutdown over.  Control states and countries who did not shut-down are showing the world that we over-reacted.  Basing policy on the miserable way that Italy handled their medical rationing is not rational.  Protect our at-risk population?  Yes!  Give them quarantine options?  Yes!  Wreck our ability to sustain our population?  No!  Force people who are not at-risk to stop living?  No!

Why are we medical rationing here?  Why are people being denied life-saving "elective" procedures?

I do not condone nor submit to the decisions of a task force as they do not represent me.  End this state of emergency and let the people work out how we need to deal with this health issue without the force of government involved.  I know we would do well as we all want to survive and government is not essential for that.

Enough with the fear mongering and conjecture that there may never be a cure for this virus - we are here to live and no amount of money thrown into pharmaceutical or new hospitals is going to give us a 100% survival rate of life.  Government's proper role is not to keep us safe from disease which they cannot control but rather from our rights being trampled on.


The response?

No surprise there!  Government is the solution?  No, government is a bottle-neck that has outlived it's usefulness.  Quit using force as a way of life, people!

Friday, April 17, 2020

We are not afraid!

If you are afraid of Covid-19... Why are you?

I'd rather get Covid-19 and die than put up with your tyrannical fear mongering.  Facts not Fear! Reopen the country.  Live free or die.  All jobs are essential!

Enough is enough!  Why would you trust the creator of the most coercive operating system?  Common core was a failure.  Do you think required vaccines and shutdowns for every new virus is the way to live?

I am not afraid of the world! I am aware of the control freaks in the world and they need to stop treading on me and all who want to be free!  It takes people abusing their authority to create long lasting compounding problems.  Let go; let God!  Natural events occur. Without government interference the people always rise to the occasion and win.

End the FDA, end the CDC, end the Fed, let freedom reign!


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Occam's razor

Which is the simpler explanation?

That the world has produced a new super disease which threatens to kill many of us and we need to shut-down life as we know it and suspend our constitutional rights in order to save ourselves from it?
That people lie to achieve their political goals?

Never waste a good crisis; especially an invisible "possible" crisis that can create enough fear for folks to accept whatever change the powers that be want to make.  Keep in mind, it's only Pence and the irresponsible propaganda machine (mass media) telling us we are going to kill the disease or stop it.  Our other "leaders" are more honestly conveying these unreasonable efforts are only meant to slow the spread.

Who are you going to believe?

People on the government payroll who have nothing to lose by the stories they are telling to keep you afraid?
The people who work in these fields that are risking their careers to speak out against what the government is doing?

Why would anyone be more willing to believe politicians and bureaucrats over those actually working in the fields?


There is nothing to fear in the disease!  Take precautions?  Sure.  Isolate those most vulnerable to any disease right now?  Yes.  Lock down the country because of fear-mongering? No.

There is everything to fear in giving the government more power.  Give up our essential liberties in order to achieve a better tomorrow?  Can you not hear the paradox?


Remember what you learned in Kindergarten?  Hitting and killing are bad.  Force is supposed to be the last resort for defense and should never be used to push an agenda nor an idea, no matter how correct people may think it is.


Before I go for today I want to list the scientific method.  Please note that nowhere in the method are the terms "extrapolate" or "statistics".  Science is black and white; either it can be proven and it is fact or it can be substantiated (but not proven) and it becomes theory.  At no point is a hypothesis considered fact nor theory.

  1. Make an observation.
  2. Ask a question.
  3. Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
  4. Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
  5. Test the prediction.
  6. Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.
Definition "Iterate" - perform repeatedly.

There is no science in prediction, but predictions can be tested to get science.

This is a good reference to understand that even in science you have to accept "factual" results as possibly being true because further testing might prove a fact to have been lacking or even false tomorrow.

Science uses specialized terms that have different meanings than everyday usage. These definitions correspond to the way scientists typically use these terms in the context of their work. Note, especially, that the meaning of “theory” in science is different than the meaning of “theory” in everyday conversation.
  • Fact: In science, an observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and for all practical purposes is accepted as “true.” Truth in science, however, is never final and what is accepted as a fact today may be modified or even discarded tomorrow.
  • Hypothesis: A tentative statement about the natural world leading to deductions that can be tested. If the deductions are verified, the hypothesis is provisionally corroborated. If the deductions are incorrect, the original hypothesis is proved false and must be abandoned or modified. Hypotheses can be used to build more complex inferences and explanations.
  • Law: A descriptive generalization about how some aspect of the natural world behaves under stated circumstances.
  • Theory: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses.
The scientific method, Khan Academy
Definitions of Fact, Theory, and Law in Scientific Work, National Center for Science Education.
The Role of Theory in Advancing 21st Century Biology, National Academy of Sciences

Monday, March 30, 2020

You gotta fight for your right to party!

Come on America - we don't need definite destruction to our emotional, physical, and financial selves in order to possibly save lives.

We cannot save lives by not living ours.  We are dying.

This is not "the" killer disease of the movies.

More than 100,000 people die in the world EVERYDAY from "age related causes".  That's data from 2018.  So we should shutdown MILLIONS of jobs to MAYBE save 100,000 lives over the course of the next 4 months?

Stop listening to the hype and the fear-mongering.  Your freedoms were bought by many hundreds of thousand of lives fighting to ensure you kept them and now its the acceptable thing for almost everyone to give up on their rights so a few thousand might live a bit longer?

Working together and free is what made this country strong and exactly what is needed to face any challenge.  Including the challenge of a new virus.  A virus with a 1% mortality rate.  Giving people room to innovate is what we need, not forcing dis-interested parties to build things they have no expertise in building.

If we weren't all locked away sobbing in our houses we could be setting up temporary hospitals in schools, hotels, and churches.

The only time this country EVER has shortages is when the governments make it so.  That's it - we have NEVER had a shortage our fellow citizens (them) didn't rise to the occasion to fix.

When you label them "non-essential."  Tell them they need to go and quietly sit for a one-time government check.  A check that isn't even one of their normal pay checks.  Not even a return of the money they paid into the system.  How can you expect them to suffer for possibility when their suffering is real?

Enough is enough.  We need to stand up and tell them - "We get it, this could be bad.  However, without us continuing to do our jobs, contribute to society, and be given the chance to find a way to help we will be much worse off than if we obey and just stay at home waiting for the 'experts' to figure it out."

How much longer do we have to see the shelves in our stores barely stocked?  This isn't the land of plenty!  Why is that?  It's due to our fear-mongering mass propaganda machine.  Who made the runs on toilet paper and why?  That's not an apocalyptic necessity!

Since when did parents expect their kids to suffer the loss of their lives, fortunes, and honor so that they might live a little longer?  If this is the final act of the "Baby Boomer" legacy then I say, "Farewell, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out."   Those from the "Greatest Generation" who served or died in the 40's to preserve our Liberty will not recognize you when you arrive.

However, this isn't truly a contest of who is going to live and who is going to die, rather it's a vocal minority controlling the powers that be at the expense of everyone.... making it seem like we need to save Grandma at the expense of Junior's education and millions of people's need to congregate.  This isn't the case.  The reality is we would have survived this if no one had done anything.  What makes it better is to be educated about it, voluntarily take on new best practices to protect those most vulnerable by giving them social distancing and equipment to protect themselves.  Equipment that millions of unemployed American's could have been working on.

Still looking through the Constitution and cannot find the clause where the bill of rights can be suspended for an emergency of ANY kind.  Only Habeus Corpus can be AND ONLY during a rebellion or invasion - both of those require military action and the removal of Habeus Corpus is EXTREMELY dangerous and should never be done.  Rebellion does not cover demanding that the government adhere to the Constitution that all its servants have sworn to uphold.  The duty of the federal government, right now, is to move the state and local governments away from infringing on the rights of our people, not endorse it.

We owe it to our children to give them a land that is more free than when we came to live in it.  Is there anyone among us who would say we have more liberty than 10 years ago?  Than 20 years ago?  Dare I say any increased freedoms since 1976?  I assure you the only factual answer is absolutely not.  How much safer and how much better off are we for all those freedoms we've sacrificed?

Government is repression and loss of freedom.   Government does not innovate for it has no reason to do better than it did yesterday - it only needs to convince you that your life would not be possible without it and so many Americans believe that to be true.  Government leads to failures like the FDA that has cost millions of people their lives in it's short existence.  It stands in the way of innovation daily by providing hurdles and road-blocks in the name of "safety."  They have been in the news several times during this "emergency" because they are a huge part of the problem.  We don't need them to survive - the market would do their job without them just fine.  If the FDA operated like United Laboratories we would know we could trust them like we do UL because they would have a reputation to protect, instead they just have force and more force which is not the tool set of someone you should ever trust.  Centralization has improved nothing in the country and never will. Think of all the wars on things and notice how there is no improvement on those things, but definitely trillions of dollars spent.  Poverty, drugs, illiteracy, crime, corruption, viruses?  Really?  Give it up.

 I sure don't want innovation centralized - we need everyone who wants to try available to try.  Only free people, hungry to help, focused on a solution, and trying to be successful Innovate!  Innovation is the answer to preserving our right to party and living a better, safer, and more secure life.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy New Decade 2020!

There is nothing quite like philosophical debates over subjective constructs.  Man's measurement of time is not agreed upon across, and often not even within, cultures.  There were no actual gregorian years "1" as the calendar didn't exist at the times that are now labeled 1 AD and 1 BC.

What "brilliant" group of people would come up with a new calendar and then decide to count down to 1 and then start with 1 instead of zero to begin with?  More pointedly when was the actual moment of the beginning of time so that we might construct empirical decades and factual milleniums?  Oh, that's right - no one knows!

Thus, we as a people, have to settle for error and compound it?  Yeah no matter how we split it we are in error (wrong), so might as well make it easier; after all isn't that what we do: make order out of chaos?   I find it cleaner to pick n0 as the start of a decade and n000 as the start of a millenium, because after all a decade is a period of 10 years and a millenium is a period of 1000 years - not a specific multiple of ten years or specific multiple of one thousand years from a constructed point in time.  A point in time that does not actually line up with the specific moment or even the actual year of the birth of Jesus.  That was the goal of what AD was supposed to be all about!

With that in mind the first decade of the gregorian calendar is arguably 1/1/1BC through 12/31/09AD.  Then that makes everything nice and tidy and we can start all other centuries and decades on zero. :)  Order out of chaos?

However, if you don't agree, it's a subjective construct and you are welcome to run with your reasoned interpretation as it is just as valid as another.

TLDR: With any subjective construct each of us is open to hold our own opinion as there is no empirical evidence involved.