The coronavirus did not turn the world upside down - the fear response did. While those who lost someone with the coronavirus had their world turned upside down, the media and governments of most of the world turned everyone's world upside down. I say "with coronavirus" as that was true in over 99.999% of all cases that if there was no other issue the person would have survived.
If you run a business, please do not help the establishment with their narrative that the devastation to millions was brought on by a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. It was not.
Fighting against community immunity is not working to protect the health and safety of our communities.
Suicide attempts at all time highs, depression, and people dying from treatable issues due to hospitals closing and the fear of a pitiful virus did not help our communities.
Imprisoning people for breaking unlawful orders did not help our communities.
Please look at the whole picture and stop ignoring things that don't fit the picture that compassion was the motivator - it wasn't. Fear and hatred were the motivations that lead people through this pandemic and only reason and scientific study will remove the fear and lies that have been accepted as truth.
Ask yourself why we need to "social distance" and wear masks at this point? The hotbeds remain our senior citizen housing and prisons. Why is that? Why are they intentionally continuing the fear of something that we would not have even noticed if not for the media daily focus on it? It's all about C02 and forced vaccinations. Be a good little lab rat and ensure they have millions of people to push their vaccine on and then see how that helps the C02 "issue".
C02 is not an issue - grow plants. C02 is converted by plants to 02. Too much C02 then plants grow faster and convert more C02 to 02. But of course, we can try Bill Gate's method and reduce population through health care, vaccines, and reproductive healthcare [Watch the Ted Talk here or google it for yourself and witness the many times he has called for population reduction]. Forget about science which has observed that our world works just fine with little viruses like this being rendered useless in less than a year with no artificial solutions required.
Wake up folks, this isn't about a virus - it's about control, population reduction, and C02 which is a mythical boogie man that has a very simple solution.
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