Sunday, October 19, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
A quick look at Neo-Conservatives
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Decisions decisions...
NRA votes for an evil
Where is the back-bone of the NRA? I cannot believe this organization has backed John McCain. With Chuck Baldwin and the Libertarian Party to opt for, this organization has let down gun owners and patriots across our land.
I doubt I will ever become a dues paying member of the NRA, now. I'll keep hoping that this association wakes up next election cycle, but for now it appears to want to stay in business as usual.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Vote against the two party system if you want change!
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. " -- John Quincy Adams
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Bailout goes through. America: the land of the afraid!
Thank you! It is greatly appreciated that you voted no on the Bailout legislation once again. I am deeply troubled by the unwise course of action our federal government has taken as I believe this is just the tip of the bailout iceberg and that it will do nothing other than delay and increase the damage of the upcoming economic panic/ price correction. Please do everything in your power to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Thank you again for keeping in mind that taxpayer money is not trash for Congress to throw around as it pleases.
(Sent to Senator Bill Nelson and Rep. Ric Keller. Kudos to them!)
Unfortunately I also had to send this one to Senator Mel Martinez:
It is greatly unappreciated that you voted yes on the Bailout legislation. I am deeply troubled by the unwise course of action our federal government has taken as I believe this is just the tip of the bailout iceberg and that it will do nothing other than delay and increase the damage of the upcoming economic panic/ price correction. I'd like you to reflect on your oath and from today onward do everything in your power to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. It's unclear to me that you don't view the taxpayer money as simply trash for Congress to throw around as it pleases.
It is unfortunate that you apparently fell prey to the fear mongering that surrounds this situation. Only one thing is certain when the government gets involved: the outcome will be worse than where we are at now. Since you chose to back this major theft of American freedom, I hope you are heavily involved in the task force to figure out the root cause of this mess and that you look deeply into the Federal Reserve, consider the incentives that the government gave to these banks to take on the highly risky debts and why it is now our place to pay back foreign banks for their own poor decisions.
This bill's foundation is based on not one data point, but rather it was based on the Treasury making up a very large number with not one fact to back up any of their fear-laden claims.
Only one last parting thought for you, sir. How could you give a bill your vote when it grants $192 million in tax savings to help with rum manufacturing in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands? Who can't make money selling alcohol? If the islands need the money then get rid of the excise tax and let them tax the exports themselves.
Friday, October 03, 2008
A letter sent to the two senators of my state by a close friend
I urge you to vote NO to any bill that bails out Wall St's irresponsible economics with Federal taxpayer's money. It is time that our politicians listen to the people of this nation and find a better means to resolving this problem. Our nation's great Constitution does not grant the right to congress to interfere with private irresponsibility via taxpayers dollars. Follow what your Oath of Office requires you to do; stand by our Constitution and defend it at all costs. Show the world that our form of government is indeed the best in the world, one that can stand the test of time and difficulty.
We are now faced with a decision; we can elect to continue to prop up a failed Federal Reserve system, or choose to change it. A bail out is a simple band-aid, a blank check. It will drastically work to devalue the US dollar and it will set the stage for other industries to expect federal bailouts. It is time to make a stand; stand up and tell Wall St. that enough is enough. The people rule this government, not the corrupt lobbyist, corporations and politicians. Return our monetary system to the people. --TJLaw
A note to my congressman
First I'd like to thank you for voting against the first draft of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. I hope you have not decided to join in with the pork process and that you will vote against this legislation as it comes back to you for another vote, now with a bill approaching $1 trillion for the taxpayers.
It is time we lived in a free world that requires us to be responsible. Voting this act in will promote more irresponsibility and devalue our dollar doing more damage than sitting back and watching the economy endure a price correction.
I think Thomas Jefferson had a simple answer to this issue: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
--Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802)
Please take into consideration his wisdom and my words as you make your decision. Do not buy into the fear-mongering that wall street, the senate, and the white house have been selling.
Respectfully, Marc
830 Billion and growing!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
To those who say voting for a third party/independent is a wasted vote
"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. " -- John Quincy Adams
But, then, what did the founding fathers of this country know? They were too busy establishing a free country. reading, and putting their beliefs and fortunes to use. What are our current leaders doing? Think about that one for a while.
I'll vote my heart and rest easy knowing I voted for what I know is right for our country.
In this election it is too important not to vote for OBama the socialist whose only answer for every concern is more government programs with no idea how he is going to get the funding to pay for it all or McCain who is the most left leaning republican presidential candidate in history who has no concern for a republican government. Obama or McSame. Feel free to think that there is a difference, but mark my words when I say there is nearly none. They will both get this country to the same destination, just one slower than the other.
If everyone in this country voted what they truly believed then we wouldn't have a two party system, there wouldn't be the phrase; "lesser of two evils;" and we wouldn't have apathy during elections.
Of course, of more relevance, if the federal government was bound by the chains of the Constitution the election of President would be pretty unimportant anyway... The election of Governor and Mayor would be what you cared about.
Rising Gas, Falling Dollar, or Big Government FAILURE?
The rising price of gas has not been caused by demand for fuels - it has happened because of the decline of the dollar. The dollar is declining because the Federal Reserve keeps the interest rate low and prints more money. More money in circulation = less value for the money. The Federal reserve is a private organization that is owned by banks all over the world. Our money isn't backed by gold or silver as is required by the Constitution. Ever since the Federal Reserve took over control of our dollar it's buying power has steadily declined, inflation has been positive all but two years since 1948. ) Before it was created Inflation was cyclical and it went up and down sometimes as much as 17%, but it corrected as the supply of gold was stablized. It is why you don't see those cute "how much things used to cost" items in stores going back before the creation of the Federal reserve, because you could reach back another hundred years and find a time when a loaf of bread cost the same as it did in the early 1900's. You can't today because the price of bread has steadily risen since then. If you look at the price of fuel versus the value of gold you'll see that fuel cost hasn't risen, the value of the dollar has dropped. Only Ron Paul addressed inflation as a platform issue.Both Libertarians and Constitutionalists want to get rid of the Income Tax, and return our Federal government to using only excise and luxury taxes to run the military. If we just worried about that portion of the government we could do it with the current excise and luxury taxes. When you think about it the Income Tax pays only for all the unconstitutional aspects of our government....but what did those founding father types know?Following my little rough outline of the true reason for "rising" gas prices as of late, I found this interesting chart which puts positive inflation into perspective so that it is easier to see what you could buy for $1 in 1913 has cost since. Notice how at no time the Federal Reserve has been able to make our paper dollar worth more than it's beginning value. In other words, the Federal Reserve has *never* created enough negative inflation to do what it was supposed to do...ensure stable prices and prevent banking panics.chart is from -
Year Amount it took to
equal $1 in 19131913 $1.00 1920 2.02 1925 1.77 1930 1.69 1935 1.38 1940 1.41 1945 $1.82 1950 2.43 1955 2.71 1960 2.99 1965 3.18 1970 3.92 1975 $5.43 1980 8.32 1985 10.87 1990 13.20 1995 15.39 2000 17.39 2001 $17.89 2002 18.17 2003 18.59 2004 19.08 2005 19.73 2006 20.18 2007 20.94 2008 21.57 Not what I'd call a "success". The dollar in 2008 is worth 4.6 cents in 1913. Pitiful. But, then honestly taking what belongs with the people under a free market and giving it to be controlled by the richest banks in the world was probably a bad idea...
The one topic I didn't touch in the earlier chat was the fact that our failing dollar will be used to convince the United States of America to combine our economies with Canada and Mexico for stability and security. It is only a small part of the plan for the New World Order where eventually our Federal Government won't be the problem, but rather the World Government will be.
One of the biggest pieces of legislation to pass during Bush's presidency was HR 418, the REAL ID Act. This piece of legislation that several states including Deleware and Alaska have passed legislation to declare it illegal in their states, would create a national ID database for Americans that would be shared with Mexico and Canada. Mexico and Canada could also put their citizens into the database - thus creating the first step to having a North American Country. But that wasn't the worst thing about this legislation, which passed both the house (HR 418) and the Senate (HR 1268 - HR 418 was attached as a rider).
Here is a simple synopsis of it from
Touted by its sponsors as an anti-terrorism measure, the "REAL ID Act": (1) institutes broad new federal requirements for drivers' licenses, including a requirement that motor vehicle agencies investigate and verify each piece of ID that an applicant shows as proof of identity; (2) for noncitizens, requires drivers' licenses to expire on the same date as an applicant's visa; (3) authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security to waive "all laws" that might impede the construction of roads and barriers at U.S. borders; and (4) introduces new rules of evidence in asylum cases that will make it more difficult to prove legitimate claims. It also changes the process for appealing some deportation orders in federal court.
The drivers' license provisions are extremely burdensome and expensive, for citizens and noncitizens alike, and will do little to reduce the threat of terrorism. Rather than preventing terrorists from boarding planes as they did on September 11, the requirements will increase discrimination and will simply lead to more unlicensed drivers on the roads. The waiver of "all laws" is an extremely disturbing and unprecedented assault on our most basic constitutional principles. Under it, the Secretary can ignore not only environmental protections, as previous law allowed in limited circumstances, but also any civil rights laws, immigration laws, labor laws or even criminal laws that he unilaterally believes pose a burden. The asylum provisions will prevent many legitimate refugees from obtaining safe haven in the United States, while doing little to prevent terrorism, as terrorists are already barred from asylum or any other immigration benefit.
In one piece of cruddy legislation the house and senate trampled on the Constitution, including the following Ammendments 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11. McCain voted for it. The bill that it was attached to in the Senate included $1.845 billion in foreign aid. Believe McCain when he says he doesn't support legislation that squanders our money or that is filled with pork? Wish I could believe him. Here is the quick synopsis of that bill.
Bill's need to be fxed such that they are one law, one issue. That bill is just another example of completely unrelated topics going through as one law. It's ridiculous. Only the Constitution Party has this as a part of it's party platform.
Here is McCain's full voting record.
Since 2000, I have not and will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils. I had an open mind this year and listened to McCain, hoping he would listen to Ron Paul and possibly start a new era for the Republicans. However, as time goes on it is obvious he won't and isn't much different than Obama.
My candidates may not win, but I will sleep better knowing I didn't vote for either of the two that will only continue to take our beloved country on the path to ruin. One is a bit slower than the other....but the result is the same.
Here is a quick debunk of the wasted vote theory:
The Wasted Vote.
I believe in what theParty stands for but you're never going to win so isn't voting for you a wasted vote?
When you vote, you're not voting for who you think is GOING to win, you vote for who best represents your beliefs. A wasted vote is voting for someone who says one thing and does another. If you want a smaller government and lower taxes, you certainly won't get either by voting Democrat or Republican.
Secondly, ballot access requirements are designed to keep third parties out of politics. Voting can help third parties' ballot access in future elections. In any given race, if Libertarians get a minimum of 5% of the vote, we are allowed ballot access for the next election. Otherwise, without ensured ballot access, Libertarians are subject to strict ballot access requirements that suck up our time, money, and energies.
Lastly, the swing vote forces the dominant parties to listen to, and conform to, our beliefs. It's a way of voicing your opinion that you're entirely fed up with both Democrats and Republicans.It goes the same for voting any of the third parties, Constitution, Libertarian, Green, etc... vote your heart and for principles! Also, if neither can secure a 5-15% vote they will have to spend millions to get on the ballots again next election cycle. It's more important to ensure a party you believe in can get access to the ballot than to prevent yet another inept maroon from the Republican or Democratic party to get into office for another 4 years. Don't forget that many of Hilary's staunch supporters have decided they will vote for McCain because, even though they are democrats, they don't want to see Obama in office at all. That is part of why McCain has seen increases in the polls lately. The real powers in Washington will continue to keep things as they have been going for the last 150 years (downhill) regardless of whether Obama or McCain become president and they will only begin to worry if they see that American's vote freedom and limited government over the status quo.
Republican Jokes aren't Republican anymore
Why My Liberal Friends Don't Like Me I was talking to a friend of mine's little girl the other day. I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she replied, 'I want to be President!' Both of her parents are liberal Democrats and were standing there. So then I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?' She replied, 'I'd give houses to all the homeless people.' 'Wow - what a worthy goal.' I told her, 'You don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where this homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward a new house.' Since she is only 6, she thought that over for a few seconds. While her Mom glared at me, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?' And I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.' Her folks still aren't talking to me.Then I replied with the following:
Aye, reminds me of another one of those. There was a rich republican whose daughter had been going to a prominent university for the last four years. The father and daughter normally couldn't talk politics as the daughter had bought into the liberal propaganda her professors and teachers had sold her over the years. One evening the daughter was over for a visit and the Dad asked her how things were going at school. She said she was doing great, and was running with a 4.0 gpa. All the nights of studying were really paying off. Her Dad asked her about her best friend that was also attending the university. She told her Dad that it wasn't going very well for her. Her friend had been out partying and visiting with friends, goof-ing off and would only cram last moment for her finals. Her friend had a 2.0 GPA, but it was her own fault. The Dad suggested to his daughter that she go to the dean and work out a deal to give her friend a point off her own GPA, then they'd both have a 3.0 GPA to help her friend out. His daughter responded haughtily that it was a terrible idea. She had earned her grade and it would be wrong to give her friend something that she had sacrificed to obtain out of goodwill. Her father smiled and nodded at her as he said, "Welcome to the Republican Party." The only problem with either of these two jokes is that The Republican Party is just as happy to take our money at gunpoint and spend it via the federal budget as the Democratic Party is. There was a time when the Republican Party may have stood for letting people keep what they worked for, but that time isn't now. Today's Republican Party is centrist, it is no longer conservative. To go conservative you have to opt for either the Constitution or Libertarian Party. Those two parties are the only ones that will return this country's federal government back to it's Constitutional limits and return the money it is stealing from us for all the un-Constitutional, illegal, socialist and special-interest projects it has seen fit to create since Thomas Jefferson left office. The punch line should read - "Welcome to the Constitution/Libertarian Parties."....and I'm not kidding... there are no Constitutional Conservatives left in the Republican party, except for the registered voters. :(